Dexter Rising

In 1903, residents of Dexter KS celebrated a newly dug well that spewed natural gas at an astonishing rate. At a lighting ceremony to celebrate the find, to great puzzlement, the gas did not burn. Analysis of “Dexter gas” at the University of Kansas revealed that it contained a large percentage of helium, the gas that makes blimps rise, birthday balloons rise, and people’s voices to rise when inhaled.

Brenda and I reached Dexter for the first time a week ago, as we cycled the circumference of the peace sign, fighting an intense headwind. Monica Wise, City Clerk and a friend of Ruth Holliday, our trail angel manager, welcomed and revived us. Dexter is also at one end of the southeast spoke of the peace sign which we chose to cycle with the wind starting from Dexter. To accommodate that, Monica arranged for us to stay overnight in the town hall. When we arrived at night, she pointed to a flashing sign outside.

Monica had spoken with the school superintendent who invited me to speak with the children at the school. No background check, no fingerprints. I’d have to carefully choose my words to stay in safe territory. I don’t know the political orientation here in a small town southeast of Wichita. Fortunately peace seems to be universally embraced.

During the night, my air mattress slowly failed. (It could have used some helium!) Soon my body was doing its best to warm the cold concrete floor. It was one time I didn’t mind the extra adipose tissue I’ve added to my body beginning in the Covid days. Fortunately Brenda’s beautiful quilts warmed me from above.

It was electrifying to speak at a school while I was in the midst of a record attempt. I even rode my bike to the school and rolled it into the gym where the event was held!

There was a refreshing sense of purpose and order at this school. Its fresh and clean appearance seemed like the centerpiece of the town where many buildings were run down. The students were polite, interested, and orderly without a grudge. This is a school that is producing citizens who have a reason to be proud of their town. This town will rise.

Larry Alles was our capable support driver today. It was his first time experience driving support, and he discovered that he enjoyed it. We certainly appreciated him! On the fly, Wizard Callyn detected a gravel road and replaced it with an alternative. Though 78 miles, the ride was with the wind and the many zigzags needed to form the peace sign image kept the ride interesting. A delightful day.

Start: Dexter KS

End: Wichita KS

Distance: 78.74mi

Cumulative distance: 490.7 miles

Elevation gain: 2087 feet

Strava track

Relive video

© 2022 Lynnea C Salvo

15 thoughts on “Dexter Rising

  1. Well done. They will not forget the message or the day that you came to town. How many schools need a visit from someone such as yourself ? Most of them i would say, but that would mean a different story or at least chapter. Think about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It will make 4 but I think my first record just got broken. At least the cycling to break it got done. It may take three months for it to be analyzed by Guinness.


    1. It will make 4 but I think my first record just got broken. At least the cycling to break it got done. It may take three months for it to be analyzed by Guinness.


      1. you’re not sleeping enough when responding at 1:25am!!! Since the US record beaten, you can do again after Europe when you willbe older than whoever did it!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Go Lynn! We (your fans from the Osprey Inn in Harrison, Idaho) think you are a great inspiration. Linda and I are in our late 70’s and just started biking. We love this new world. Many new doors have opened for us, including meeting you in Harrison.
    Mike, Linda, Tony, Molly


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